“Flowers are the music of the ground
From earth’s lips spoken without sound”
– Edwin Curran
Flowers brighten the soul, and provide endless opportunities for creative photography. From backyard weeds to springtime wildflowers to rare orchids at Longwood Gardens, I love to photograph them all.
Click on any of links below to see a comprehensive and creative array of beauties photographed in different ways.

A collection of the images showing the wonder and beauty of what to many is just a nuisance weed.

We are fortunate to live near Longwood Gardens which bursts into color each April with an amazing variety of spectacular tulips.

We grow sunflowers in our community garden, so we have willing photo subjects every summer.

The “Queen of the Night” flower blossoms don’t begin to open until the sun goes down, and then it slowly unfurls it’s amazing glory over the course of a few hours.

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society asked for images of pollinators to share with elementary school students who then created their own artwork based on the images. Betsy was happy to supply quite a few images of butterflies and other pollinators at work. The artwork was displayed in conjunction with the 2020 Philadelphia Flower Show.
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