Canopy Walk and Kapok Tower

The Sacha Lodge experience featured many amazing experiences, including some epic tree-climbing and a walkway on the wild side.  It was a bit unerving climbing up the metal stairways to the top of the rainforest bridge 94 feet high over the treetops. This 940-foot sturdy walkway is fixed to the ground by three metal towers, and offers an astounding opportunity to spot dozens of birds and epiphytes seldom seen from the ground, immersed in the canopy. We heard the distant eerie sound of  howler monkeys roaring through the jungle.

And we were on the very top of the world when we climbed up the 135-foot tree-house observation tower, a platform built on the highest branches of a giant kapok tree. From here we enjoyed magnificent, panoramic views of the forest unfold all around, while searching for and finding many species of  birds, including Paradise Tanagers and White-Throated Toucans.  From the top of this treehouse we watched an electric blue morph butterfly flutter among  the treetops below, and witnessed a tarantula emerge from it’s nest just a few feet from us. We even climbed up onto the crows’ nest for the 360-degree experience of the Amazon.


Here is a gallery of images from our treetop vantage point – enjoy! For best viewing, click on first photo below to enlarge, then click right arrow on keyboard to scroll through the gallery.

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