About Us

Betsy and Jim on lawn at Jordan Pond

Betsy and Jim on lawn at Jordan Pond in Acadia, Maine

Jim and Betsy Wilson share a passion for the outdoors and a love of photography.  Whether it is a walk around the neighborhood, or a trip to Iceland, they are fascinated with the amount of beauty and interesting surprises that surround us all – you just need to take a look.   And the challenge of capturing those special moments with photos provides them a fun way to share their experiences with others.


After an extensive career as Publisher of community websites and community newspapers, Betsy took up photography and is enjoying learning numerous techniques in addition to creating this blog and website.  She has been very active in the Chester County Camera Club, and served as president for two years and was honored as Photographer of the Year.  She has won numerous awards in photography exhibitions including the Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography, and the Philadelphia Flower Show.  Click here to see some of her award-winning photos.  More images can be found by scrolling through this website, or some favorites are on Instagram and  Pixoto. 

Jim has been studying photography for quite some time, and has become quite accomplished, specializing in black & white images.   In addition to photography, he continues his passion of restoring and paddling wooden canoes, and currently serves as the Vice-President of the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association.  Jim was honored with the prestigious “Photographer of the Year” award by the Chester County Camera Club in 2020.  Click here to see some of his award-winning photos. You can see much of his work posted on Instagram and on his photo blog. He also has a gallery of photos on Flickr.

Jim and Betsy have been commissioned to share photos and articles for canoeing trade journals. Their photography has been featured numerous times in the Wooden canoe Journal. They also serve as editors of the annual Wooden Canoe Calendar for the WCHA.

Jim and Betsy have given presentations to camera clubs and conducted workshops on indoor photo creativity.   For more about their presentations and workshops, click here. 

Photo recognitions – Betsy

Photo recognitions – Jim

Presentations and Speaking Appearances

Published Articles

Contact us:

Betsy Wilson  bwilson1773@gmail.com

Jim Wilson  PaddleJim48@gmail.com

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